These units mount inside your bay or in the attic. They are the THIRD most profitable feature on the selector switch. Every self-serve car wash bay should have one, or the car wash owner is losing money.
ASHWALL mounts inside the bay and includes a colored dome. ASHATTIC mounts inside the attic no dome included.
- 3 horsepower motor
- 14 gauge polished stainless nozzle holder
- Lighted dome available in any color
- 110 volt 40amp service
- (1) 40 amp breakers per unit or (3) 15 amp breaker per unit
- 220 volt available – 25 amp
- 2 inch diameter poly hose
- 24 volt signal from selector switch to turn relays on
Comes complete with 12″ x 18″ in bay “Instructions for use” sign, selector switch decals (5 different shapes & sizes) and dome sticker. A (2′ x 6′) full color banner is an available option.

Product Video
Air Shammee Video
Product Brochure
Informative full color brochure

Air Shammee Manual In-Bay Wall 110v